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International collaborations

MTM cooperates internationally on issues related to accessible reading. We collaborate on matters such as implementing the Accessibility Act within the EU, format development and standards, as well as loans and acquisitions (interlibrary loans) of titles from other countries. Below are some of the contexts in which MTM participates.

DAISY Consortium  

MTM is one of the founders of the DAISY Consortium, an international expert organisation working on accessible reading. The goal is to develop global solutions for accessible publishing and reading in collaboration with civil society, publishers, the technology industry, standardisation bodies and public administration. MTM sits on the board and participates in various working groups, including the European Inclusive Publishing Forum, a hub for accessible book publishing in Europe with a particular focus on the implementation and consequences of the Accessibility Directive. 


MTM is a member of IFLA, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Within IFLA, MTM is part of a section working to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities in relation to printed text (Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities, LPD). 

Accessible Books Consortium (ABC)  

MTM cooperates with ABC and its Global Books Catalogue, an online catalogue for organisations and libraries targeting individuals who have difficulties reading printed text (reading disabilities). The catalogue contains information about accessible media and makes it possible to borrow and acquire literature across borders from other countries that have ratified the Marrakesh Treaty. 

Uppdaterad: 01 oktober 2024

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