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Contact information

You can contact us at MTM in various ways. This information is intended to help you find the contact method that suits you best. You can contact us by mail or other post. You can call, send an email or see our visiting address. 

Send mail to

Box 51, 201 20 Malmö 

Call us at  

040-653 27 00 (switchboard) 

Send an email to


Visiting/delivery address

Hans Michelsensgatan 2 (Bylgiahuset),  

211 20 Malmö 

Google Maps link showing our location (opens in a new window) 

Reception opening hours

Monday to Thursday (except holidays), 09.00 to 15.00 

Friday (except holidays), 09.00 to 12.00 

Closed for lunch, 12.00 to 13.00.  

Press contact  

If you would like to receive our press releases or make an enquiry regarding an interview, contact press@mtm.se 

Find our press releases here: MTM’s press room on Mynewsdesk (opens in a new window) 

Contact details for our collaborations: 


Contact details are available at daisy.org. 


Contact details are available at ifla.org.  

Public documents 

As a governmental authority, MTM is subject to the principle of public access to information. This means that, if you contact MTM by email or regular post, the email conversation or letter becomes a public document and can be requested. You are also entitled to request documents from MTM. Documents include papers and all electronic information recordings, such as films or audio recordings. 

Uppdaterad: 01 oktober 2024

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