Inte tillgänglig
Our Customer Service
MTM’s Customer Service is mostly directed to employees of public, school or universities libraries.
If you are a user and have questions, please contact your local library.
Contact the Call Centre
Telephone: 040-653 27 10
E-mail: info@mtm.se
MTM’s Braille and subscription service
MTM’s Braille and subscription service is an individual service for persons with visual impairments.
Contact our Braille and subscription service to borrow or purchase books in Braille, or to subscribe to periodicals and order articles in Braille.
Opening hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00 -12:00.
Telephone: +46 (0)8-580 02 720
E-mail: punktskrift@mtm.se
MTM:s Braille and subscription service
Box 51
201 20 Malmö
Uppdaterad: 18 juni 2024